Monday, February 23, 2009


As I headed downstairs to get my bagel (I forgot mine at home so have to shell out $1.47!) I noticed on the TV monitor that the market was up over 150 points. Awesome.

On my way back up, I noted that Obama was speaking...and the market was now down over 80 points.

Correlation? You decide.


Sandee said...

Correlation yes. You can't spend money we don't have. Wall Street knows that.

Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)

jana said...

The market tanks every time he or one of his idiots opens their mouths.

There's been a 2400 point drop since November.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out what's causing the problem....

Did you see on Pam's site that they're pushing through another secret spending bill? Only 1/2 a trillion this time.

Anonymous said...

Well - it closed down 251 today for a decade low..back to 1997 levels. I was stopping buy to let you know I have a little free time for the next week so I updated my blogroll and got you added now.