Monday, March 22, 2010

We Are Screwed

I'm beyond pissed. I'm livid. And I'm sick to my stomach.

Passed through trickery, back room deals, bribes, and I'm sure some outright threats...this bill does NOTHING - not ONE DAMN THING - to make our health care system better or more efficient and effective. NOTHING!!!!

So those of you who think this is some great new government Utopian program are crazier than I am. I am TRULY afraid of the consequences of this monstrosity. Will my medications be "approved" by some bureaucratic board somewhere in DC? And if not, what the hell am I supposed to do? Because my current health insurance will probably be completely destroyed and run out of business by government meddling and chicanery. And it's not a cheap medication. But if the government deems it too expensive, and my life not worth enough to save, then I'm screwed.

My son will be screwed if he happens to inherit my lousy genes. But he's going to be screwed regardless because the government wants him to be their slave. Any hard work he does will be punished. He will be encouraged to be a slug and leach off the government instead of working hard to succeed on his own. And how in the world do we as parents counter this message of "the government will take care of you"? Why should he bother to work hard? His salary would just be confiscated to pay for entitlement programs.

Then again, if enough people fall into the entitlement trap we will all collapse financially. It's just so depressing I can hardly stand it.

Do politicians just immediately lose their sanity when they are "hired" by us? Or is it just that the people doing the hiring don't care and fall for the bribes promises of said politicians? *sigh* There is no logic to this piece of crap.

Screw listening to the people. The majority of Americans do NOT want this piece of crap monstrosity of government intrusion.

I don't even want to think about it anymore. I have actual, you know, WORK to do. Not that the Democrats would know anything about a hard days work. Bastards.


Where in the world is Jefferson City, Missouri said...

I am with you. What a sad day for Americans.....This should have been voted on by the people not some rich people on Capitol hill.......Big Brother is next.....

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. So would my friend Diane who sat in my Jeep for a half an hour after church yesterday crying that people just don't care about this issue. I'm sure we are not the only one's distraught about one of the saddest Sunday's in US history :(

CastoCreations said...

I haven't cried...yet. :) I was just completely depressed and pissed off all day. Literally sick to my stomach. I'm taking comfort in those who are standing to FIGHT! I'm already volunteering to work for candidates in my state who are running against the Dems (we are SO blue here) who voted yes.

pamibe said...

I couldn't help it; I cried. My husband is frightened and so angry I'm afraid he's going to ram somebody with an osama sticker...

What do we do? We keep fighting. It's the only option.

Hang in there!!

Daddy Paul said...

Great read! I am glad to see that I am not the only one who sees this health care monster this way.

Jen said...

I am saddened and surprised that more people weren't downright pissed off. The final abortion deals at the end were the proverbial straw for me, not that I didn't already oppose the whole thing, but to think that someone could be so easily manipulated to go against his beliefs, not to mention his constituents, is beyond me.

CastoCreations said...

I know Jen. It just breaks my heart. Every time I think of abortion I think of my baby boy who we wanted so desperately and of all the people out there desperate for children who can't. My heart just aches for all those souls! And the idea that my tax dollars are forcibly taken and used to subsidize it...disgusting.